Tuesday, April 28, 2009

How to Improve eCPM for Blogger ? Strategies to Increase eCPM Drops


Recently I am noticing a sharp drop in my Adsense eCPM. I don’t know why it happened but I was speaking to various other bloggers using adsense on their blogs and they too confirmed that it was the same with them. But some Bloggers said they noticed that eCPM had increased for the past few weeks.

Now what I am trying is to Find a solution for this problem of Sudden Low eCPM Rates of our Adsense Accounts.

After Looking around various Blog Posts & Googling I have found the following Reasons that affect our eCPM and here are some problems and their solutions for the low adsense eCPM.

Reasons for low Adsense eCPM for Blog

Smart Pricing - Our Blogs probably got Smart Priced. Which Happens people click ads, visit the site displaying the ad, but doesn't convert into a sale (purchase,download,sign-up,etc). So, that's a total loss of the advertisers money. Really? No, Because the Adsense Publisher is Penalized for it. How? That Right - Reduce the eCPM (other factors involved like ROI etc).

Lack of Ad Relevancy - Well this was supposed to be because our blog don’t always post about stuff mostly posted on the blogs. Exactly, I have been recently posted about Jai ho Remix, RapidShare Password, high speed photos, Freida Pinto which are not relevant to my niche. So, it strains the ad bots to show relevant ads. I know because I am getting a lot of Slumdog Millionaire Song Download Ads on many pages on my blog. So, This has really hurt my earnings.

Less Clicks - Obviously Lack of Ad Relevancy = Less Number of Clicks = Less Dollars.

Solution to Improve eCPM for Blogger

Solution to Adsense Smart Pricing - Smart pricing affects an entire account. It is not on a per page or per site basis. Also, One poorly converting site can result in smart pricing impacting an entire account, even sites completely unrelated to the poorly converting one. Finally, Smart pricing is evaluated each week. So removing ads from sites you suspect are converting poorly, for a week could result in seeing an adjustment to a higher smart pricing percent.

Improving Ad Relevancy - The best way to improve ad relevancy in your blogger blog is to Section Targeting. Although I haven’t any change in earnings but have seen a bit relevant ads showing Up. Check this Tutorial on Section Targeting at Google Help Group. Implement it on your blog ASAP.

Improving Clicks - Previously, I always used to match the Ads to the Content, means Title = Link color in Blog. The Rest Text & Url black. But that's wrong according to Adsense Gurus. Like in Joel Comm’s Book I learnt that that Blue is the best Title Color for Ads to Stand out of Content and not look like an Ad. The Best Blues are #000080 , #0000FF & #006699 . Try it, it helped me a lot.

Focusing on the Niche - Well, Now I get to know. This means you have to always write posts in a blog which is related to your blog’s Topic. Mean Don’t get stupid like me writing about how little latika was sold by her father on a tech blog like this one. Also Read How to Write Targetted & Focussed Blog Posts.

The Best Position & Size - The Best Size is 336x280 Large Rectangle. And the best position in Just below the Post Title and above the content (see this blog). Also a 468x60 Text Ad just below the post.

Solutions By other Blogger & Readers

This is the Portion which will be updated frequently with the best Comments from Bloggers & Readers.

Abhishek (College Friend) : Ya, great post dude. I have been also having low eCPM on my adsense account. I’m one clueless and paranoid publisher. But, I tried to Improve it by showing all the 3 as Image ads. the CTR becomes very less but the eCPM increases a lot after 3-4 days.

Pavan Kumar (TechPavan) - Not in general, but for you in specific I feel these things might improve your earnings and get you out of smart pricing.

1. Remove link ad units entirely from your blog. You currently seem to use two such units one in navigation pane and other below the post. I guess the top one gets you much clicks and the reason is first time visitors get confused that it is the navigation bar. And I think the lower one gets NO or very less clicks. Also, you might have observed, their clicks won't pay you good, low ecpm results.

2. Remove the ads from sidebar. Sidebar ads are mostly resulted by targeting your navigation area keywords which are not so good to see. And your home page is a mixture of all contents and hence it does not concentrate on a specific niche which results is ads which are just better than psa, to be specific in India, they are bharatmatrimony and monster jobs. Removing sidebar unit entirely may reduce the total clicks you get, but the earnings would increase better.

And what I feel is ctr has no relation with smart pricing. I have ad units with ctr less than 1, but they pay the normal expected price as any other ad on my pages.

Harsh (Shoutmeloud) - Pavan If I'm not wrong text ad link units will not effect your ecpm in any ways, so its best way to maximize your revenue using smart placement.
Correct me if I'm wrong.

Honey Singh (HoneytechBlog) - As @Pavan already described "Text Link units" works best in patch with the navigation and most of the blogger use this kind of style.Moreover ads in single posts perform better than anywhere else.The yielding units in the single posts are rectangles and you should use text ads after the post title.
The ads after the post title results in maximum income.

Mohit (Techeguide) - Adsense Smart Pricing is what Google mark publishers who have placed ads on more than one website/blog with the same adsense account, if one of those blog/website doesn't perform well than this'll affect the overall account. I totally agree with Pavan that CTR has no relation with Smart Pricing.

@ Honey Singh
Also I've read in Adsense TOS if you're placing ads below the Title than you should add "Sponsored Links" or "Sponsors" as the Title of the ads.


FreshBrown New Blogger Template

After getting great response for my previous Comfy Magazine blogger template, I've designed a new blogger template. This time I've designed my own design and not converted any wordpress theme. The name of my new template is FreshBrown Blogger Template. Have a look at the screenshot :

Demo : Click here to see the demo

About The Template :

I keep this template simple and neat. It will give a professional look to your blog. Its a browny template with 3 columns and 2 columns both. I've not added any useless plugins to this template. Only read more plugin is added as it is the most required plugin for blogs.

Download :
Click here to download FreshBrown Blogger Template

NOTE : This template is available for free of cost. The only thing that I want in return is, please do not remove the credits from the footer.


Blogger Greet Box - Get A Wordpress Style Greet Box For Blogger Blogs

You might have seen a warm Greeting message on most of the Wordpress blogs when you visit there from various referring sites. That greeting message is possible by a plugin for Wordpress blogs. We don't have such feature for blogger blogs. But now blogger users can also greet their visitors as Kaushik from Classic Tutorials made it possible for blogger blogs too. He made a wordpress style greet box for blogger blogs and named it as Blogger Greet Box. Have a look at the screenshot below :

(Click on the screenshot to enlarge)

This plugin lets you show a different greeting message to your visitors depending on their referrer URL.

Suppose a visitor is referred to your blog from Google. It will display a greet message like :

Welcome Googler! If you find this page useful,you might want to Subscribe to RSS Feed to have updates.

These targeted suggestions will help your blog increase exposure, loyal readership, and reader interaction. So all together it should increase your page hits. This plugin will also help to increase your RSS readers.

Features of Blogger Greet Box
  • Show a different greeting message to your visitor depending on the referrer URL.
  • Beautiful set of icons.
  • Shows a default greeting message if the user hits the URL directly or comes from a referrer which is not specified.
  • Ability to remove the message when the user navigates within the same site so we do not keep nagging them with greeting messages.
  • Currently the following referrers are installed :
    1. Google
    2. Yahoo
    3. Digg
How to install Blogger Greet Box

Follow the steps given below to install this plugin to your blogger blog :
  1. First sign in to your blogger blog and go to
    Dashboard -> Layout -> Edit HTML
    and click on Expand Widget Templates

  2. Find the following code :
  3. Now copy and paste the following code below

    NOTE : Replace the feed URL with your own feed URL. Search for "List your domains where you dont want to show up" and replace it with your domain name.

  4. That's all. Save your template and see your blog for changes !!
Give your suggestions for this plugin via comments/email . This plugin is also compatible with any website where you can use HTML/JavaScript.


Send 160 Characters Free SMS To Any Mobile In India


Last time I shared a site to send free long text messages to mobiles. Now here is another great site called as SMS FAME which allows you to send 160 characters in a single SMS . It requires a simple and quick registration process.

SMS FAME immediately send messages. It do not show ads like other free sms service providers. So you can send messages from PC like you are sending from your mobile.


Gmail Will Now Suggest Contacts While Sending Emails


Gmail introduced a new feature "Suggest more Recipients". This feature is specially for those who send mails to multiple people at the same time and always forgot some people to include in the list. Well now Gmail will ease your task of selecting people out of your big list of contacts to mail. So if you are sending mail to at least two people from your list it will suggest you more contacts.

Gmail will suggest people you might want to include based on the groups of people you email most often. So if you always email your mom, dad, and sister together, and you start composing a message to your mom and dad, Gmail will suggest adding your sister.

To use this feature you must first activate it.

  • To activate it, go to labs page and search for Suggest more recipients there.
  • Now enable this feature simply by clicking on Enable to the right of Suggest more recipients
  • Click on Save Changes.
Now when you will send mails, you will see some suggestions automatically. [via Gmail Blog]